Why Can't I Create A File In C:\Program Files\Windows Defender?

Surface Pro 3 512 GB
Surface Pro 3 Docking Station
Windows 8.1 Pro

Logged in as an administrator.

I am trying to create a file in C:\Program Files\Windows Defender

When I right click in the folder and select new the only option is Folder.  If I try to copy and past a file it says the source file is not longer available.  If I open the source file in Notepad and try and save it in C:\Program Files\Windows Defender it says:

C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\<file name>
File not found.
Check the file name and try again again.

What is the problem?

The security settings for the folder are:

July 27th, 2015 1:39am


This behavior is designed by default since it's the built-in program and system folders.

And you can see that the files in this folder are marked as read only. If you uncheck the read-only box, you can create text files or others besides Folder:

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July 29th, 2015 2:15am

The files are marked as read only but the folder is not.  As an administrator I have rights to create files in the folder but the system won't let me.

I did try to uncheck the Read-only box running as an administrator and the system would not let me.

I also tried setting up a tast in the scheduler running under the system id to copy the file into the folder and ran it.  It failed the same way as when I tried to use copy in an administrator cmd window.

There is something else protecting the folder.

July 29th, 2015 3:54am

Another week has passed and still no answer.  Security by obscurity is not an effective method.  What is securing this folder?
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August 5th, 2015 11:17pm

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